School Health Advisory Council » Bylaws of SHAC

Bylaws of SHAC

Bylaws of the Franklin ISD

School Health Advisory Council

NAME: Franklin ISD School Health Advisory Council


1.      To advise FISD staff and administration on text programs for health and science.

2.      To advise on the selection of curriculum for health, physical education and science.

3.      Discuss and review drug, alcohol, tobacco, and violence prevention curriculum for FISD.

4.      Discuss and review nutritional value of meals served at FISD.



1.      Membership shall include a range of members- anywhere from 10-20 individuals- consisting of, but not limited to, volunteers from the community, parents, nutrition specialist, health teachers, science teachers, law enforcement personnel, students, administrators, doctors, lawyers, etc.

2.      These individuals shall be invited to be a member of the committee for one to two year terms, which shall be decided by drawing terms out of a hat during the first meeting of the first year. After such, members will volunteer for two year terms.

3.      Any member of the community is eligible to serve on the committee.

4.      Each individual will have one vote.

5.      Resignations will be accepted in writing only.



1.      Meetings will take place three times during the school year; one in August, one in January, and one in May. Additional meeting will be called only if deemed necessary by the chair person(s). Locations of the meetings will be announced two weeks prior to the meetings, with notifications by mail.

2.      Roberts’s Rule of Order shall govern the meetings.


1.      The chairman (men) shall be appointed by the Superintendent. All other officers (vice-chair and secretary) shall be voted on by the committee, with a simple majority winning the position.


1.      One-half of the members must be present for a vote to be taken and two-thirds of the members present must vote for a motion in order to approve it.


1.      A sub-committee format may be used to more efficiently address certain issues. This will be done while the meetings are in progress.


1.      All reporting documents (i.e. minutes) from SHAC will be presented to the school board. All the minutes for the SHAC will be filled in the Superintendent’s Office.


1.      Bylaws should be approved by charter members with the date of approval noted on all copies.

2.      Copies will be made available to all new members and appropriate school personal.



Establishment of the Franklin ISD Health Advisory Council

February 12, 2003


Senate Bill 19 Requirements

·        It authorizes the State Board of Education to adopt rules mandating daily physical activity for students in grades K-6. The SBOE has since adopted a rule which requires daily physical activity.

·        It requires every school system to 1) have a School Health Advisory Council, 2) more clearly defines membership, and 3) broadens the scope of the council’s responsibilities to all school health issues.

·        It directs the Texas Education Agency to make available a coordinate school health curriculum and requires every school system to be trained in its implementation by 2007.

What is SHAC?

·        It is an advisory group of individuals who represent segments of the community.

·        Acts collaboratively to provide advice to school districts on all aspects of school health to make sure local communities and reflected in district’s health education programming.

·        Not part of the school administration structure and have no legal responsibilities within the school system.

·        Established by the local school board of trustees.

Suggested Duties of the SHAC

·        Program planning- in-service suggestions, forums on health issues, curriculum adoption.

·        Advocacy- recourse allocation, liaisons between school and community

·        Fiscal planning- grant applications

·        Promotion of healthy school environment- health fairs, sell of nutritious foods at school.

·        Evaluations, accountability & quality control- food service offers healthy menu items, focus groups, assess physical & psychological environment of school.


·        Members include parents, students, teachers, administrators, clergy, law enforcement, medical professionals, etc.