2023 Bond Information
Franklin ISD trustees voted unanimously to call a bond election that will be on the May 6, 2023 ballot. Registered voters residing within the Franklin ISD boundaries will be asked to vote on two propositions.
Proposition A would generate funding for an additional educational classroom wing at the high school, cafeteria enlargement at the middle school, and additional classrooms and facility improvements at the elementary campus. The three campuses would also see vast safety improvements including bullet resistant safety film near entrances and doors that lock off corridors in case of an emergency. At the elementary, an enclosed corridor will connect the main elementary campus and gym while enclosing four additional classrooms near Hwy 79. These needs are driven by the large growth our district is experiencing and the safety of our students and staff.
Proposition B would include student and faculty technological upgrades including Chromebooks and computers. These needs are driven by the state requirement that all student testing are online now.
The Franklin ISD total tax rate is not going to increase as a result of the 2023 bond. FISD will be releasing additional information regarding this bond election soon.